PRIVATE/PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS for doctors with Dr. Izabela Pietruczuk and Dr. Weronika Wojciechowska: treatment plannings and problem solving

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Private/personal consultations are available. As these consults are very popular, an appointment must be made ahead of time. These will be in Warszawa at the Hotel Radisson Collection: see below for details. 

This season, Dr. Izabela Pietruczuk and Dr. Weronika Wojciechowska will be available for consultation in Warsawa by appointment only. These will normally be held before or during the same weekend as the Level 1 series of the Orthodontic Training Seminars of California, and in the Radisson Collection hotel. For dates see (below) the program for level 1 courses or call +48 690 526 526.


Orthodontic Seminars of California, Dr. Larry Brown
Hotel Radisson Collection


Personal consultations of Orthodontic Treatments in Warszawa

With Dr. Pietruczuk and Dr. Weronika Wojciechowska (in Polish or English)  

Any doctor who has followed The Orthodontic Seminars of California, Training Program is welcome to make an appointment for up to 1.5 hour per appointment. The appointments are made on a first come basis.  These must be booked and paid for ahead of time through the website or call Mr. Chmielewski : +48 690 526 526.

Dr. Izabela Pietruczuk:

Friday June 7:  14h to 18h

Friday October 4: 14h to 18h 

Friday November 14: 14h to 18h

Dr Weronika Wojciechowska

Friday June 7: 13h to 18h

Sunday June 9: 9h to 13h

Friday October 4: 13h to 18h

Sunday October 6: 9h to 13h

Friday November 15: 13h to 18h

Sunday November 17: 9h to 13h

Doctors can discuss their personal cases, either new cases or cases “in progress” and can benefit from the years of experience of Dr. Pietruczuk and Dr. Wojciechowska.

In order for the doctors to be able to give a correct diagnosis and proper coaching, the doctors are asked to bring a USB stick/Pen drive or their own laptop with the necessary facial photos (front and profile with natural lip position and smiling), photos of the 5 views of the study models, cephalometric x-ray and tracing, panoramic x-ray. If the photos are with brackets already in place, please provide the necessary written information as to what bracketing scheme was used, and the wires or other types of appliances that are in place at the time of the photos. It is to your benefit to have your photos organized in order to avoid lost time in trying to find them at the last minute.

It is a good idea to provide a written description of the important findings of each case, a general “Global Treatment Plan” and to provide a more detailed month by month Treatment Plan. This exercise is important for the education of the doctor. 

The fee for a consultation is 65€ per 1/2 hour.

Info & subscribing: 

Information and inscriptions:  To inscribe or for further information in English or in Polish contact Rajmund Chmielewski: ; tel: +48 690 526 526.